Bunbury Rowing Club welcomes new members anytime!

2025 Membership Options

Annual fee $650.00 $490.00 $1090.00 $490.00 $66.00 $55.00  $85.00

Learn to Row

First Session is Free!

The sport of rowing has many great attributes as it is a low-impact non-contact sport. Centred around core strength and teamwork, rowers learn many life skills through resilience and communicating efficiently. Rowing is the perfect sport to get into at any age! 

In the BRC Learn to Row program, participants will be taught correct technique and injury prevention for both on and off the water (rowing machines). Included in the program boat handling skills, core fitness combined with strength and conditioning. Located in central Bunbury and participants will enjoy the surrounds and picturesque views of Point Collinson as well as social interactions to develop communication skills and experience the joys of rowing as a crew.

After your first free session you can continue our 10 session learn to row program for $120.00. To help you decide if a full club membership is for you, you can partake in our ‘Build Your Skills’  8 week program for $100.00 before progressing onto a full club membership.

Are you registering for learn to row ? *
Address *
Gender *
Can the participant swim 100M fully clothed? *
Unfortunately you will not be able to participate in any on-water sessions. Please discuss this further with your coach before participating in any rowing activities.
Do you have any medical conditions we should be aware of? *
Who do we contact in the case of an emergency?
Learn to Row and Youngsters Rowing Program *
Membership Options: *
Release & Indemnity:
In consideration of the Bunbury Rowing Club accepting this membership application/renewal I will at all times ( now and in the future ) indemnify and keep indemnified the Bunbury Rowing Club and its committee, employees, officers and agents from and against any loss ( including reasonable legal costs and expenses ) or liability arising out of any claim, demand, suit, action or proceeding out of any injury sustained by me in or connection with my membership of the Bunbury Rowing Club, the use by me of any Bunbury Rowing Club facilities in any official and / or unofficial activity and arising out of the failure of any equipment and / or facility of the Bunbury Rowing Club. As a parent / guardian signing this application I give permission for my child to travel to regattas by bus or car, if one is provided by Bunbury Rowing Club. I also provide permission for photographs of my child to be taken at rowing events and sessions and for the images to be published in the Bunbury Rowing Club newsletter, website, Facebook profile and Instagram profile. This release and indemnity binds me and my Executors, Administrators and assign.
Terms of Registration:

Rowing WA Compulsory Insurance

As well as the Bunbury Rowing Club membership fees, there is an additional Rowing WA Registration fee.

This includes the mandatory insurance policy which covers every member for Sports Injury / Personal